
Ludo and friends

Gesehen auf dem Markt am Wittenbergplatz, Sonja

Ich war heute auf dem Markt einkaufen und guckt wer mich an meinem Blumenstand erwartet hat. Zwischen wunderschönen Sträußen von Tulpen und Rosen saß Bello (ich glaub es ist ein er und dass er so heißt) und hat die Kundschaft aufgefordert sich Farbe in ihre vier Wände zu holen. Aber gerne doch. Wenn du schon so lieb aufforderst.

Made Sonja in Berlin happy

A friend of mine was in Hawaii and got me this lovely cat tattoo, – catattoo- as a thank you for taking care for her cat while she was away. I think that’s a triple win win. A win win win: she won because her cat was very well being taken care of and I won twice. Once for being able to spend time with her furry friend and twice for getting this lovely thank you. And it’s pink! Jey!!

Schöner Sonnensonntag in Berlin und ich war lange am Viktoria Luise Platz und habe die Sonne genossen und gelesen. Und ich war nicht die einzigste. Nur noch ganz viele andere Leute sondern auch ein paar Entlein hatten den Weg dahin gefunden. Berlin, du kannst so schön sein. 


Every day could be a sunday.

writing is somehow happened

sometimes I look for someone who only listens me

Street Photography

Straßenfotografie • Beobachtungen am Wegesrand

Women Who Rock

Making Scenes, Building Communities


there is no "not enough light" there is only "not enough time"

Group Global 3000

Ein Ort für Nachhaltigkeit, Kunst und Diskussion.

Srđan Tunić

art historian, freelance curator, cultural manager and researcher

An Englishman in Berlin

Blog about life and culture in Berlin, Germany

marta's adventures in the big city

Just another kid on the Blog

Prego and the Loon

Pregnant and Dealing With Domestic Violence

Ray Ferrer - Emotion on Canvas

** OFFICIAL Site of Artist Ray Ferrer **

Talin Orfali Ghazarian

Don't ever change yourself to impress someone, cause they should be impressed that you don't change to please others -- When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, always remember that the teacher is always quiet during a test --- Unknown

Sergey Gusev Art

Original Oil Paintings And Drawings By Sergey Gusev


Every day could be a sunday.

365 days of breakfast

Every day could be a sunday.